Registered charity no.1163286
Welcome to the OFCA website. Please contact Website Manager Dave Songhurst if you have queries or updates to website information.
About the Association
Old Felixstowe Community Association (OFCA) was formed in 1973, and our activities focus on the Community Centre in Ferry Road, just across from St Peter and St Paul Church. The Centre’s excellent facilities comprise two large meeting rooms (one with a stage), a coffee lounge, a small meeting room, and a kitchen. All these, together with two recently-resurfaced tennis courts, can be hired at very reasonable rates. Follow the ‘Community Centre’ link in the menu for details of rooms, booking calendars, hiring conditions, and rates of hire.
Our nominal membership area covers Old Felixstowe – east of Hamilton Road together with the Glenfield / Fairfield Road area, but the Centre and its facilities can be used by all. As from May 2024 we no longer have a paid membership scheme. However all donations are welcome, either by cheque or cash to our Treasurer at the Community Centre, or by bank transfer. Our bank details are as follows:
TSB Bank Account No. 22584960, Sort code 30 93 22
Old Felixstowe Community Association Treasurers Account.
Our two-monthly Newsletter is sent out by email and is also available as a download from our Newsletter page, where you can also sign up to receive future Newsletters by email.
Over 30 different groups use the Centre regularly – follow the ‘Centre Activities’ link in the menu for a list with contact details. Occasional and one-off bookings are also welcome.
OFCA helps to support the running costs of the Centre by organising Community Markets and a Summer Fair, and a very popular Christmas card delivery scheme. We also look after the village sign, which commemorates Walton Priory and the ships that used the Kingsfleet up to the 14th Century.
Local OFCA supporter Laurence McDonald has written a short piece about Our Village, celebrating some of the historic features of Old Felixstowe:
OFCA is run by a General Council, together with a Management Committee which looks after the day-to-day running and maintenance of the Community Centre. Needless to say, we are always looking for new people to help with these activities – if you are interested in helping, please contact one of the Council or Committee members – we’d love to hear from you!
OFCA Policies
OFCA has put in place policies concerning health and safety, equal opportunities, and safeguarding, together with a Risk Analysis. All those who help in OFCA and who use OFCA facilities should be aware of these policies, which can be downloaded here:
The management of OFCA are aware of the Data Protection regulations and they ensure every care is taken to correctly handle personal data in their control, including names, addresses, telephone numbers etc. Any queries or concerns should be directed to OFCA Chair Celia Page.