Centre activities

The following groups use the Centre on a regular basis, and most will welcome new members and guests. All telephone numbers are 01394 numbers unless otherwise stated. This is not a complete list – if you wish to list a new group or change the existing details then please contact the website manager.

Aerobics (Sally Ford) Low impact aerobic class for over 55s. This is a fun, friendly class where we don’t take ourselves too seriously, whilst still getting a workout. We meet on Mondays, 10 – 11am and 6 – 7pm, and Fridays, 10 – 11amSally Ford, sally-ford@sky.com
Brackenbury WIBrackenbury WI meet on the third Tuesday evening each month at 7.30pm in the Margaret White room at the Centre.01394 284859 / 07415 260087
Carpet BowlsNew members always welcome – we play up to 4 times a week and have a league teamJenny Catchpole, 277606
Colneis Flower ClubGuest demonstrators inspire us at 7.30pm on the third Thursday of the month Anne Arbon, 01394 282590
Craft ClassThe Craft class meets in the Margaret White Hall on Friday afternoons from 2pm till 4pm, stopping halfway through for tea and biscuits. We do a variety of crafts, knitting, sewing, quilting, making greeting cards or doing anything else that we fancy and there is usually someone who can help if you have a problem or want to learn something new. It only costs £2 per session and if you would like to come along and meet us you will be made most welcomeGillian Barnett, 278177
Felixstowe Area Social Club for Retired PersonsWe meet at 2.15 on the second Tuesday of each monthSylvia Arnold, 01394 548323
Felixstowe Area Stroke Support Norman Eyre, 07905 507271
Felixstowe Garden ClubFelixstowe Garden Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month, doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start, till about 9pm. Membership is £20 per year. Visitors are very welcome, £5 at the door. Find us on Facebook / website Felixstowe Garden ClubJayne Steele,
Jse17@hotmail. co.uk
or phone 272695
Felixstowe Morning WI01394 809794
Felixstowe Allotment AssociationThe association holds meetings on the fourth Thursday of each month on most winter months to chat and listen to speakers on all things allotmentSteve Brewer, 07922 761456
Felixstowe & Villages Carers GroupWe are a small, friendly group of unpaid family carers, looking after a loved one or a friend. We meet on the second Monday of each month at the Community Centre between 1pm and 3pm for an afternoon of social activities, friendship and a break from caring. We have a wide range of activities. Cost £3 including refreshments and a raffle. Why not come and join us? You would be most welcomeDennis Weston, 01473 832591 / 07712 672289
Hand in Hand ClubThe Hand in Hand Club is a social club for people with sight and hearing loss. It is a small, friendly group that meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 10 – 12. As well as the obligatory coffee, tea and biscuits we do a range of activities such as baking, playing games, arts and crafts, talks and two trips out a year. The club is supported by volunteers who help members do the activities if they need it.Steph Daley, 01473 286060, steph.daley@hhas.org.uk
Hope TrustCome and meet us in the Jane Bolton Lounge for tea, coffee,
good company and for those who want to, a board game or two!
Thursday mornings 10am –12noon
 Tracy Haskins, 01394 272592, 07845 202112, info@hopetrust.org.uk
Jubilee ClubThe Jubilee Club meets on the first and third Monday of each month at the Community Centre. We listen to music, or a guest speaker, or sometimes watch a slide show. This is followed by a cup of tea / coffee and a raffle. We also arrange occasional lunches at local restaurants, and day trips to various places of interest. If you would like to join us, our meetings start at 2pm, or contact the secretary on 01394 275568 for more information.Maureen Burns, 01394 671340
Lone Star Line DancersWe meet from 10.00 to 11.30 every Tuesday Dawn Cheadle, 01394 272196
Martello Ladies Circle Martello Ladies meet on the first Thursday of each month in the Wyn Brackley Hall, our meetings start at 7.30pm. We have various speakers, meals out, a mystery trip, etc. Our annual fee is £15, and monthly it’s £2 for members and £3 for guests, this also includes a raffle ticket.Joan Webber, 01394 273447, stephen.webber39@btinternet.com
Parkinson’s Felixstowe Support GroupThe Parkinson’s Felixstowe Support Group meets in the Wyn Brackley Hall on the second Monday of the month to bring people together who have, care for, or know someone who has Parkinson’s disease. We have speakers or entertainment each month with refreshments and a raffle. Outings/events are held throughout the year for our members. You are welcome to join us.Carol Brooks, 01394 276231, 07912394021
Peace Glass CraftersPeace Glass Crafters are a friendly group of stained-glass enthusiasts who meet regularly to share their interest, providing help and support, and continue to keep the craft alive. We create sun catchers and other pieces of stained glass work. Please call us to discuss your interest and experience of glass.Susan Evans, 01473 625782
Rainbows and GuidesNew members aged 5 and upwards welcome at our Wednesday evening sessions, but there may be waiting lists – please phone to checkHelen Swift, 07546 249022
Seniors Table TennisWe play in the Margaret White Hall every Thursday evening at 7pmHilary Unwin, 07926 192496
Tai ChiRegular daytime classes Wednesday and Friday. Learning Sun Style – Tai chi for Health, Tai chi for Arthritis and also Yang Style for beginnersDawn Maile, 07765 848846 dawnmaile@btinternet.com
Tennis A friendly club which plays throughout the yearKeith Trevorrow, 07860 807585
U3A Canasta GroupMeet on Thursdays, 1.30pm to 4.30pm, in the Wyn Brackley HallSteven Lawer, 07763 115854,
YogaWe are a friendly group, we meet every Thursday morning from 9.30 to 11.00. All are welcome!Richard Scott, 07936 523 972