News and events

Community Markets

Our next Community Market will be on Saturday September 14th, 10.00 to 12 noon in the Community Centre. Refreshments available, and admission free. There will be no Market in August.

OFCA Newsletter

As from June 2024 the OFCA Newsletter is no longer printed and distributed to members, but is now sent out by email, still on the same two-monthly schedule. Please see our Newsletter page to subscribe to the Newsletter.

Golden Anniversary AGM

The Community Association’s 50th AGM was held on Thursday October 19th 2023. Minutes of the meeting are available here:

The meeting was followed by a reception in the Wyn Brackley Hall to celebrate 50 years of OFCA, with an introductory address by Felixstowe Mayor Seamus Bennett. There were display boards and a slide presentation, and Gillian Barnett was able to show a draft copy of her new book on ’50 Years of OFCA’, which is now available.